When you’re not teaching what do you like to do with your spare time?
I practise Taekwondo a couple of times a week. I’m a blue belt at the moment. I also do dressmaking and crafty things like that. At the weekend I love going to car boot sales.
Have you taught English in any other countries?
I spent a winter teaching at a language school in Portugal. That’s the only time I’ve worked abroad but I’ve lived abroad as a language student. I studied French in Montpellier and Business Portuguese in São Paulo.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
I think my biggest professional achievement was getting the Cambridge DELTA (a teaching qualification). All the DELTA results get printed in the EL Gazette (an industry magazine) and I felt quite proud when I saw my name.
What do you like best about teaching at Suzanne Sparrow Language School?
Meeting interesting people from all over the world. I like seeing the students gain confidence with their English and it’s great when someone passes an exam or gets accepted onto a course.
What is your top tip for English Language students?
I think the best way to build your vocabulary is to read a lot. Don’t stop and look up a word you don’t know. Just keep reading. You will probably see the word again and again in context and will learn the word naturally.
I think that’s how people tend to learn new words in their first language and it worked for me when I was learning Portuguese. It doesn’t have to be a great work of literature, just choose a book/magazine/blog that interests you.
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